God, Inc.
In the summer of 1990 Carl De Keyzer accompanied by his wife and three-year-old son takes the plane to LosAngeles, California. There he buys a camping car - which will be his home for a year - and immediately heads for the northern states, before winter sets in. He has only one subject on his agenda: religious groups. The United States are a breeding ground for about 3700 different religious groups. Religion is an essential part of the American wary of life, if only because of the particular attention given to it by movie stars, pop artists, politicians and the media. Churches are not subsidised in the US but they are exempted from taxes. Otherwise they have to be fully self-supporting. Most churches are doing well, very well. It appears that God as product is the gap in the American market of the 90s; hence, God Incorporated.
Traveling month after month from one state to another Carl De Keyzer has photographed Americans in their religious experience. His approach is both aesthetical and critical, his attitude is one of surprise and relativisation. “I was shocked to find that religion plays such an important part in American society, that it was so widely spread. One year long I wondered why Americans are so intense and emotional in their religious experience.

Carl De Keyzer with family in their 1972 Winnebago
Carl De Keyzer with family in their 1972 Winnebago

Singing of the national anthem during the blessing of the Mississippi river by a catholic bishop.

The Blue Army

"C.U.T." - The Church Universal and Triumphant, Claire Prophet.
The members of this cult live in and around two large ranches next to the Yellowstone National park. They believe in a wide range of Gods from Buddha to Shiva. They are led by Claire Prophet, a successful writer of new age books and the daughter of the founder of the cult. Most of her followers have an atomic shelter built underneath their houses. Claire Prophet predicts the end of the world now and then which is the sign for the followers to live in their shelters for a few months. A rich lady left the cult the ranches after she died.

The Boys Choir - Washington and Lee University Chapel.
Members of a boys choir before concert using deodorants and dressing up in the local museum of American History in the Washington and Lee University.

Arlington Memorial.
Veterans Day Memorial. Arlington memorial.
War veteran holding his children during national anthem on Veterans Day.

Arlington Memorial.
Veterans Day Memorial. Arlington memorial.
War veteran holding his children during national anthem on Veterans Day.

Bill Glass crusade at the local Bruins stadium.

The Church of God of Prophecy - Revival.
Pentecostal revival held to attract new members for the small church.
Here a nine year old boy is being "saved" by parents and preachers.

Holy Communion

The Power Team - Carpenters Home Church.
John Jacobs and his team.
The Power Team is a group of body builders and power athletes touring the USA and the world to convert people for Jesus. The show consists of very spectacular stunts with fire, ice, breaking base ball bats, ... and attracts mainly young people. They sign very willingly the "I am saved" forms after the show. For their publicity The Power Team operates trough TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network), one of the major evangelistic TV networks.

Latter Day Saints, The Mormons, Hill Cumorrah Pageant.
Rehearsal for The Hill Cumorrah Pageant, an annual event depicting the Book of Mormon and the life of Joseph Smith (the first prophet of the Mormons). The event lasts for two weeks and attracts more than 20.000 spectators every night.

Epiphany Day - St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church.
Boy with last years trophy before the contest.
On Epiphany Day, the Greek Orthodox Church of Tarpon Springs holds a special contest. After the mass and procession to the bayou close to the church, app. 30 young boys try to find a cross in the water thrown by the arch bishop from a platform. the boy who catches the cross is the hero of the year in the predominantly Greek Orthodox village. He also receives gifts from most of the shopkeepers in the village.

Bike Week - 50th anniversary (app. 400.000 bikers in a small town).
Preacher with wooden cross on the beach highway.
"Miss Harley Davidson contest" ad banner flying by.

Mother Divine movement

Broken Arrow/Oklahoma 1991
Inhabitants of Broken Arrow/Oklahoma cheering at the homecoming of the local soldiers from the Gulf War in Iraq. April 1991.

New Orleans/Louisiana. February 1991.
Religious parade during the Mardi Gras carnaval on Jackson Square and Bourbon street by pentecostal churches and preachers.

New Orleans/Louisiana. February 1991.
Religious parade during the Mardi Gras carnaval on Jackson Square and Bourbon street by pentecostal churches and preachers.

St. Petersburg/Florida. January 1991.
Band leader in the Martin Luther King Parade.

Arlington/Virginia. November 1990.
Veterans Day, Arlington Memorial Cemetery.

New Orleans/Louisiana. February 1991.
Religious parade during the Mardi Gras carnaval on Jackson Square and Bourbon street by pentecostal churches and preachers.

New Orleans/Louisiana. February 1991.
Religious parade during the Mardi Gras carnaval on Jackson Square and Bourbon street by pentecostal churches and preachers.

Phoenix/New Mexico. May 1991.
Homecoming and ‘ticker tape’ parade for the troops, returning from the Gulf War in Iraq.

New Orleans/Louisiana. February 1991.
Religious parade during the Mardi Gras carnaval on Jackson Square and Bourbon street by pentecostal churches and preachers.

New Smyrna Beach/Florida. December 1991.
Revival at the Church of God of Prophecy.

Dallas/Texas. March 1991.
Members of the Trinity Church - Assembly of God praying before a rehearsal for the Easter passion play. Dallas/Texas. March 1991.

Savannah/Georgia. November 1990.
Healing sceance by the reverend - evangelist E.L. Terry during a revival in the Coastal Cathedral Church of God.

Phoenix/New Mexico. May 1991.
Homecoming and ‘ticker tape’ parade for the troops returning from the Gulf War in Iraq.

Las Vegas/Nevada. July 1990.the Lord Festival at the New Jerusalem Baptist Church.
A dominee after his speech during the Praise the Lord Festival at the New Jerusalem Baptist Church.

Billings/Montana. August 1990.
Air show by the American Airforce.

Daytona Beach/Florida. March 1991.
Member of the Sons of God religious bike group preaching in a bar during Bike Week.

Tarpon Springs /Florida. January 1991.
Participants of the religious cross-dive contest held by the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church.

New York/New York. October 1990.
Demonstration against the war in Iraq.

New Orleans/Louisiana. February 1991.
Preacher with wooden cross in Bourbon street during the Mardi Gras carnaval.

Savannah/Georgia. November 1990.
Dressed-up woman in front of the Galvin Baptist Temple before the special ‘Little men and women day’ service.

New Orleans /Louisiana. February 1991.
Preacher with wooden cross, a clown and students of the Louisiana State University during the Mardi Gras carnaval.

New Orleans/Louisiana. February 1991.
Preacher family distributing religious pamflets on Bourbon street during the Mardi Gras carnaval.

Daytona Beach/Florida. December 1990.
Choir of the Christian Drive in Church.

New York/New York. May 1990.
Blind black beggar on fifth avenue.

New Orleans/Louisiana. February 1991.
Young preacher giving a bible to a handicapped homeless person during the Mardi Gras carnaval.

Uniondale - Long Island/New York. September 1990.
The choir of evangelist Billy Graham during the Billy Graham Long Island Crusade at the Nassau Veterans Colliseum.

Dallas/Texas. March 1991.
Adolescents praising God during the Power Team [bodybuilders for Christ] show at Loo’s Stadium.

New Orleans/Louisiana. May 1990.
Women preaching the bible in the New Orleans streets.

New Orleans/Louisiana. February 1991.
Old parade tradition during the Mardi Gras carnaval.

Memphis/Tennessee. April 1991.
Women in trance and priests during a pentecostal service at the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Philadelphia/Pennsylvania. September 1990.
Women praising Father Divine during the Holy Communion service at the Circle Mission Church [one of the churches of Father and Mother Divine Peace Mission Movement].

Philadelphia/Pennsylvania. September 1990.
The Rosebud Choir, the choir of the Peace Mission Movement of Father and Mother Divine, performing during the Holy Communion Banquet at the Divine Tracy Hotel.

New Orleans/Louisiana. February 1991.
Preacher with wooden cross meets a Mardi Gras patriotic parade on Bourbon Street.

Hico/Texas. June 1991.
Prepared wooden cross in a field for a Ku Klux Klan ‘cross lighting’ ceremony.

Hico/Texas. June 1991.
Ku KLux Klan ‘cross lighting’ ceremony.

Hico/Texas. June 1991.
Ku KLux Klan ‘cross lighting’ ceremony.

New Orleans/Louisiana. February 1991.
Riverwalk along the Mississippi river and the catholic cathedral on Jackson Square.

Hector/New York. July 1990.
‘Rainbow Gathering’ of the ‘Rainbow People in the wood. Neo-paganism.

Des Moines /Iowa. September 1990.
People praising the Lord during the Des Moines Crusade of evangelist Luis Palau at the Vets Memorial Colisseum.

San Antonio/Texas. March 1991
Good Friday procession organized by the Our Lady of Guadeloupe Church.

Palmyra/New York. July 1990.
Mormon actors during the Hill Cumorrah Pageant representing the life of the prophet Joseph of the Mormon* or Latter Day Saints, the Bible and the Book of Mormon.

Palmyra/New York. July 1990.
Assistant lifting a cross mechanically on the stage of the Hill Cumorrah Pageant. Latter Day Saints, mormons.

Dallas /Texas. March 1991.
Rehearsal for the Easter Passion Play at the Trinity Church - Assembly of God.

Dallas/Texas. March 1991.
Visitors at the Ripley’s Believe It Or Not Wax Museum.

Palmyra/New York. July 1990.
Spectators before the Hill Cumorrah Pageant organized by the Latter Day Saints or Mormon church.

Eureka Springs/Arkansas. April 1991.
Rehearsal for the Great Passion Play. The play is performed every day during eight months a year before app.
3000 spectators. The actors are mainly inhabitants of the small village of Eureka Springs/Arkansas. April 1991.

Anaheim/California. June 1991.
Service by Doctor Robert Schuller at the Crystal Cathedral.

Savannah/Georgia. December 1990.
Rehearsal for the Christmas play ‘The Living Christmas Tree" by the choir of the Calvary Baptist Temple.

Melbourne/ Florida. December 1990.
Christmas parade.

Anaheim/California. June 1991.
Service by Doctor Robert Schuller at the Crystal Cathedral.

Corwin Springs/Montana. August 1990.
Children having lunch in a school of the Church Universal and Triumphant. [Claire Prophet].

Los Angeles/California. June 1991.
Mass baptism in a prefab swimming pool in Dodgers Stadium during the ‘Lovers of Freedom Convention' of the Jehovah Witnesses.

Daytona Beach/Florida. December 1990.
Service at the Christian Drive In Church.

Savannah/Georgia. November 1990.
Women praying during the E.L. Reverend Terry pentecostal revival at the Coastal Cathedral Church of God.

De Bary/Florida. December 1990.
Actors for the annual Christmas pageant dressed as angels at the First Presbytarian Church of De Bary.

Palmyra/New York. July 1990.
Mormon actor rehearsing the ascension of Christ during the Hill Cumorrah Pageant organized by the Latter Day Saints or Mormon Church.