DPR Korea Grand Tour
60 days in the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. A guided visit covering the entire country.
North Korea – officially the Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea – is one of the hardest places in the world to photograph. Thousands of Westerners visit the DPRK on authorized tours each year but have to follow strict guidelines when taking pictures. Professional photographers are simply not allowed on these trips. Magnum photographer Carl De Keyzer is one of very few to have been given unprecedented access to the DPRK. This opportunity was made possible by the British-run Koryo Group, which has been taking people to the DPRK since 1993 and whose aim is to encourage people-to- people engagement through travel, culture, sport and humanitarian projects. In the course of four journeys totaling sixty days, De Keyzer and his Korean guides travelled the length and breadth of the country, observing the place and its people. De Keyzer visited more than 200 locations, travelling to every single one of the country’s provinces. The result is a unique and often very surprising view of one of the world’s most complex, concealed and confusing countries.
Text and captions by Koryo Tours, text and images approved by Pyongyang.

Mansudae Grand Monument
Students visit the Mansudae Grand Monument. Young people regularly volunteer to come to the monument to sweep the grounds.
16 September 2015 9:00 AM

The Mansudae Grand Monument
The Mansudae Grand Monument.
16 September 2015 9:00 AM

Moran Hill Park
A parade float passes the Moran Hill Park and the Moran Hill Theater, once home to an underground performance center operating during the Korean War. 16 September 2015 10:00 AM

The Mansudae Grand Monument
On holidays, Koreans of all ages and backgrounds come to pay their respects at the Mansudae Grand Monument.
16 September 2015 10:00 AM

Grand People’s Study House
Adult students learn English at a public lecture at the Grand People’s Study House. These students are taking time off work to improve their language skills. Lecture schedules are listed in the local newspaper.
16 September 2015 10:00 AM

Grand People’s Study House
Audio-visual room at the Grand People’s Study House. The small red placard on each audio set indicates that it was a gift from one of the Korean leaders to the facility. The room contains a collection of Korean and foreign music for listening to, as well as pianos on which to practice.
16 September 2015 10:00 AM

Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum
Visitors from the countryside line up outside the arched entrance to the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum. North Koreans who do not live in Pyongyang generally visit the capital with their work units, and while there will tour important ‘revolution- ary sites’, such as this museum about the Korean War, and Mangyondae, the birthplace of President Kim Il Sung.
16 September 2015 11:00 AM

Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum
Bronze statues in front of the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum. Sculptures flanking the walkway depict heroic stories from the Korean War, while the prominent War Victory Monument stands in front of the museum itself.
16 September 2015 11:00 AM

Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum
Korean People’s Army hero, a veteran sailor of the Pueblo Incident (1968), describes the capture of the American ship to museum visitors, at the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum. The USS Pueblo is on display at the museum today and a group of Korean sailors maintain the captured ship.
16 September 2015 11:00 AM

Kwangbok Street
Man carrying a mock-up AK-47 for a political rally; Kwangbok Street. Political rallies are a regular part of life in the DPRK and involve citizens from across Korean society.
16 September 2015 2:00 PM

Tower of the Juche Idea
Local guide and expert on the Pyongyang skyline, wearing traditional Korean dress; Tower of the Juche Idea. 16 September 2015 4:00 PM

Tower of the Juche Idea
Pyongyang citizens practice for a mass rally beneath the Tower of the Juche Idea. Such rallies can involve tens of thousands of people, and take significant time and energy to plan, practice, and coordinate.
16 September 2015 4:00 PM

Tower of the Juche Idea
View of East Pyongyang — home of many of the city’s universities and hospitals — from the Tower of the Juche Idea. The red words on the roof of a building in the foreground say ‘one heart’, and form half of a slogan reading ‘single-hearted unity’. The hammer, sickle, and writing brush of the Party Foundation Monument can be seen on the left in the background.
16 September 2015 4:00 PM

Golden Lane Bowling Center
Bowling balls on display at the Golden Lane Bowling Center. The placard above the door indicates that this is
a model facility.
16 September 2015 6:00 PM

Kumrung Leisure Complex
Aim here! A shooting range attendant helps a foreign visitor hit the mark; Kumrung Leisure Complex. Most adult men in the DPRK have spent time in the army and target practice remains a popular pastime. Small roadside shooting galleries equipped with toy guns for children can be found throughout the country.
16 September 2015 6:00 PM

Mansudae Art Studio
An oil painter touches up a scene of a bumper catch at sea; Mansudae Art Studio. The studio employs over 5,000 artists and is responsible for much of the DPRK’s public art. The studio also exports fine arts, including political monuments and specially- commissioned bronze sculptures for world leaders.
17 September 2015 10:00 AM

Sunrise Coffee Shop
Coffee-break at the Sunrise Coffee Shop. Coffee culture in the country’s capital has taken off in the last few years and it’s even possible to find some local outlets using Starbucks-packaged beans.
17 September 2015 11:00 AM

Music video at a restaurant
Howitzers blast away in a music video at a restaurant. Most, although not all, DPRK songs contain a political element. 17 September 2015 12:00 NOON

University students
University students carrying poles for parade practice. Torchlit or military parades sometimes take place in Pyongyang on major political anniversaries and events, but are not as common as is portrayed in the global media.
17 September 2015 2:00 PM

Rehabilitation Metro Station
Entrance to Rehabilitation Metro Station. Consisting of two lines with 16 stations, the capital’s metro system is one of the deepest in the world.
17 September 2015 3:00 PM

Glory Station metro
Public displays of affection are rare, but can be seen occasionally, such as here on the metro, at Glory Station. Dating culture in Korea is a mix of traditional parental introductions and modern free- dom to choose one’s own partner. Never- theless, family background and opinion are still important considerations.
17 September 2015 3:00 PM

Glory Station metro
A student ascends the stairs in front of a portrait of General Kim Jong Il; Glory Station, Pyongyang Metro. Each station in the capital has its own unique artwork reflecting the station’s name. Other stops include Red Star, Victory, and Paradise.
17 September 2015 3:00 PM

Schoolchildren’s Palace
A girl takes a break next to a portrait of President Kim Il Sung inside the Pyongyang Schoolchildren’s Palace. The capital has two Schoolchildren’s Palaces — venues dedicated to providing extracurricular education to the city’s talented youth. Other Korean cities have similar facilities.
17 September 2015 4:00 PM

Schoolchildren’s Palace
Painting of President Kim Il Sung and General Kim Jong Il among the children; Pyongyang Schoolchildren’s Palace.
17 September 2015 4:00 PM

Schoolchildren’s Palace
Students walk the halls of the Pyong- yang Schoolchildren’s Palace. Students can join ‘small groups’ to hone their skills in the arts, sciences, sports, and music.
17 September 2015 4:00 PM

Schoolchildren’s Palace
Curtain call at a student performance; Pyongyang Schoolchildren’s Palace. The curtain illustrates the story of ‘The Ant and the Grasshopper’ from Aesop’s fables in a rustic Korean setting. Cranes traditionally represent long life in Korean culture.
17 September 2015 5:00 PM

Schoolchildren’s Palace
A lone boy gazes out the window from the Pyongyang Schoolchildren’s Palace. Korean culture traditionally places a strong emphasis on education.
Today, students study core subjects such as math, science, music, and literature, as well as politics and revolutionary history.
17 September 2015 5:00 PM

Kwangbok Street restaurant
Waitresses at a restaurant on Kwangbok Street. Music and dance entertainment accompanying meals have been part
of the service culture in Korea from traditional times.
17 September 2015 6:00 PM

Kaeson Youth Funfair
Locals enjoy a ride at the Kaeson Youth Funfair. The capital has four amusement parks. In recent years there has been an increase in leisure facilities, such as cafes, spas, restaurants, water parks, and gyms.
17 September 2015 7:00 PM

Mt. Paektu
Mt. Paektu, Ryanggang Province
A cigarette break on the volcanic plains surrounding Mt. Paektu, a large volcano straddling the Korean–Chinese border. The mountain is considered sacred due to its place in the foundation mythology of the Korean people, and its association with the revolutionary history of President Kim Il Sung.
18 September 2015 11:00 AM

Mt. Paektu
Mt. Paektu, Ryanggang Province
The revolutionary road to Mt. Paektu. Many Koreans will make a revolutionary pilgrimage to the mountain with their classmates or colleagues. These pilgrimages retrace the steps of Korean revolutionary heroes and fighters.
18 September 2015 12:00 NOON

Mt. Paektu
Mt. Paektu, Ryanggang Province
Two funicular friends stand by the track to the summit of Mt. Paektu. The so-called ‘organizational life’ can lead to a close connection between work and social life.
18 September 2015 12:00 NOON

Mt. Paektu
Mt. Paektu, Ryanggang Province
Taking the Hyangdobong funicular train to the top of Mt. Paektu. In the DPRK, many companies and brands are named after Korean geographic place names — in this case the funicular train has been named after Mt. Paektu’s Hyangdo Peak.
18 September 2015 12:00 NOON

Mt. Paektu
Mt. Paektu, Ryanggang Province
Lake Chon, or Heaven Lake, sits in the volcano’s massive caldera.
18 September 2015 1:00 PM

Mt. Paektu
Mt. Paektu, Ryanggang Province
Inside the volcano. The crater was formed in the 10th century, following one of the largest eruptions in recorded history. Today, a multi-national group of scientists monitor the volcano
for activity.
18 September 2015 2:00 PM

Mt. Paektu
Mt. Paektu, Ryanggang Province
Forest friends point the way through the wilderness on the flanks of the mountain. Paektu is the source of the Amnok (Yalu) and Tumen Rivers, which today form the land border between Korea and China.
18 September 2015 3:00 PM

Mt. Paektu
Mt. Paektu, Ryanggang Province
A local guide at the Mt. Paektu Secret Camp. Almost every location open to tourism in the country — from revolutionary and historic sites, to farms, factories, and schools — has an on-site guide whose job is to introduce and interpret in detail.
18 September 2015 4:00 PM

Mt. Paektu
Mt. Paektu, Ryanggang Province
Paegaebong hotel. Official portrait of President Kim Il Sung and General Kim Jong Il.
19 September 2015 7:00 AM

Samjiyon Grand Monument
Ryanggang Province
Statues of Korean revolutionary fighters in the ‘Anti-Japanese Armed Struggle’; Samjiyon Grand Monument. From 1910 to 1945, Korea was a colony of the Japanese Empire. Those who took up arms against Japanese rule are regarded as heroes in the DPRK.
19 September 2015 8:00 AM

Kaesim Temple
Mt. Chilbo, North Hamgyong Province
A break from wedding photography
at Kaesim Temple. On their wedding day women wear traditional Korean dress while men wear Western suits. Professional wedding photography has become a thriving commercial business in recent years.
19 September 2015 3:00 PM

Mt. Chilbo
Mt. Chilbo, North Hamgyong Province
Men pull in a sightseeing boat at a beach near Mt. Chilbo. The attire of the man in the foreground is typical of workers in the DPRK.
19 September 2015 5:00 PM

Mt. Chilbo
Mt. Chilbo, North Hamgyong Province
Ethnic Koreans from China enjoy a beachside picnic of fresh seafood. Many of China’s roughly two million citizens of Korean descent have family ties just across the border. Large populations of ethnic Koreans also live abroad in Japan and the United States.
19 September 2015 5:00 PM

Mt. Chilbo Homestay Village
Mt. Chilbo, North Hamgyong Province
Mother and son at the Mt. Chilbo Homestay Village. At the time of writing, this village is the only location in the country where foreigners are allowed to stay overnight in a Korean home.
20 September 2015 7:00 AM

Jipsam Revolutionary Site
North Hamgyong Province
A boy, his bicycle, and fishing gear at Jipsam Revolutionary Site. Angling is a popular activity and a competition is held in the capital every year.
20 September 2015 4:00 PM

Chongjin, North Hamgyong Province
A trolley-bus attendant. While the number of cars, including taxis,
has increased in recent years, city dwellers make extensive use of public transportation.
20 September 2015 5:00 PM

Chongjin Provincial E-Library
Chongjin, North Hamgyong Province
‘Keep your feet on the ground, while look- ing to the world’ — a librarian explains the quote from General Kim Jong Il at the Provincial E-Library. The quotation is meant to encourage students to study foreign developments in science and technology, while staying grounded in their own culture and applying that knowledge to the development of their country.
21 September 2015 9:00 AM

Chongjin Provincial E-Library
Chongjin, North Hamgyong Province
Library staff at the Provincial E-Library. Domestic publishing houses produce a wide range of books, from revolutionary and ancient history, to novels and self- help guides. European and American classics in translation are also popular. 21 September 2015 9:00 AM

Chongjin, Chongam Kindergarten
Chongjin, North Hamgyong Province
Practice makes perfect at Chongam Kindergarten. Korean children are expected to learn how to sing and dance from a young age.
21 September 2015 9:00 AM

Chongjin, Chongam Kindergarten
Chongjin, North Hamgyong Province
Young ballerinas show off their skill while a picture of Mickey Mouse
looks on at the Chongam Kindergarten. Disney characters are popular among young people; schools, orphanages, and other children’s facilities are often decorated with their images.
21 September 2015 9:00 AM

Chongjin, Chongam Kindergarten
Chongjin, North Hamgyong Province
Chongam Kindergarten.
21 September 2015 10:00 AM

Hoeryong, Kim Ki Sung Higher Middle School
Hoeryong, North Hamgyong Province
Students study English at Kim Ki Sung Higher Middle School. In the past, Korean students studied Russian; today, they study English from a younger and younger age. The state has produced
a new series of English textbooks, and private tutoring, once unheard of, is now common.
21 September 2015 3:00 PM

Hoeryong, North Hamgyong Province
View from the central square. Located on the border with China, Hoeryong has been an important garrison town and trading center since the 15th century.
21 September 2015 4:00 PM

Kyongsang Guest House
Kyongsang, North Hamgyong Province
A waitress prepares the dining hall for a meal at Kyongsang Guest House. Once a major administrative center, Kyongsang is now a small resort town overshadowed by its industrial neighbor Chongjin.
22 September 2015 11:00 AM

Mass rally practice

Ryanggang Hotel
Idealized painting of the Ryanggang Hotel — literally ‘Two Rivers’ —
in the hotel’s game room. Most hotels in the DPRK have their own distinctive design and quirky atmosphere, and are often a destination in themselves.
23 September 2015 8:00 AM

Maeari Shooting Range
A young student shoots an electronic pistol at electronic animals; Maeari Shooting Range. All students are mem- bers of the Korean Children’s Union and wear a ‘red necktie’ as part of their school uniform.
23 September 2015 10:00 AM

Maeari Shooting Range
Archery range at Maeari Shooting Range, Pyongyang. When it comes to the Olympics, the DPRK is competi- tive in archery, along with weightlifting, table tennis, wrestling, and boxing.
23 September 2015 10:00 AM

Moran Hill Park
Art students paint landscapes in Moran Hill Park, Pyongyang. Moran Hill — the location of Pyongyang’s inner castle — is the home of numerous historic relics, and features prominently in Korean arts and literature through the ages.
23 September 2015 2:00 PM

Moran Hill Park
Women dance in Moran Hill Park. Today the site of picnics and weekend fun, Moran Hill has seen its fair share of history, and was the location of a major battle in the Sino-Japanese War in 1894. Underground tunnels carved into the hillside were used as bomb shelters during the Korean War.
23 September 2015 2:00 PM

Moran Hill Park
Retirees dance at a pavilion in Moran Hill Park. For people of every age, from young to old, music and dance are a central part of modern DPRK society. 23 September 2015 3:00 PM

Moran Hill Park

Revolutionary Martyrs’ cemetery

Kaeson Youth Funfair
Locals gaze up at a vertigo-inducing amusement park ride; Kaeson Youth Funfair.
23 September 2015 6:00 PM

Kaeson Youth Funfair

Kaeson Youth Funfair
Test of strength at an arcade arm-wrestling game; Kaeson Youth Funfair.
23 September 2015 6:00 PM

Three Revolutions Exhibition
Foucault pendulum at the planetarium of the Three Revolutions Exhibition. The DPRK state considers development of space technology as a national priority and point of pride.
24 September 2015 11:00 AM

Three Revolutions Exhibition
Technological exhibition at the Three Revolutions Exhibition.
24 September 2015 11:00 AM

Three Revolutions Exhibition
Technological exhibition at the Three Revolutions Exhibition.
24 September 2015 11:00 AM

Three Revolutions Exhibition
Light industry exhibition at the Three Revolutions Exhibition. Despite economic sanctions, the garment industry is one of the best-performing sectors of the economy.
24 September 2015 11:00 AM

Three Revolutions Exhibition
Technological exhibition at the Three Revolutions Exhibition.
24 September 2015 11:00 AM

Three Revolutions Exhibition
A child visiting the Three Revolutions Exhibition. The silver-ringed sphere in the background is a planetarium.
24 September 2015 11:00 AM

Konji-ri Revolutionary Site
During the Korean War, President Kim Il Sung used this home as his headquarters; Konji-ri Revolutionary Site, outskirts of Pyongyang. Konji-ri served as one of the headquarters of the Korean People’s Army during the war.
24 September 2015 2:00 PM

Pyongyang Cultural Exhibition Center
A 3D photo exhibition about the DPRK by a foreign photographer, with refreshments; Pyongyang Cultural Exhibition Center.
24 September 2015 4:00 PM

Mansudae Grand Monument
Koreans pay their respects to the statues of the DPRK leadership; Mansudae Grand Monument. This ceremony involves a presentation of flowers and a bow. Local citizens turn out en masse on major holidays, such as the anniversaries of the birth of the leaders. Individuals visit the monument to mark important days, such as their wedding, or a return to the country after years spent living abroad.
7 October 2015 10:00 AM

Mansudae Grand Monument
Koreans pay their respects to the statues of the DPRK leadership; Mansudae Grand Monument. This ceremony involves a presentation of flowers and a bow. Local citizens turn out en masse on major holidays, such as the anniversaries of the birth of the leaders. Individuals visit the monument to mark important days, such as their wedding, or a return to the country after years spent living abroad.
7 October 2015 10:00 AM

Korean Women’s League
Members of the Korean Women’s League perform flag waving to encour- age morning commuters on their way to work. The Korean Women’s League is a mass organization for housewives and retired women. Every Korean is part of a mass organization of some kind: Children’s Union, Women’s League, Trade Union, and/or political party.
7 October 2015 10:00 AM

University students
University students prepare red flags for a political demonstration. In addition to the badge portraying the DPRK leadership, university students also often wear a badge denoting their school name. School pride is important and rivalries can be fierce.
7 October 2015 3:00 PM

Haebangsan Hotel
The interior of the Haebangsan Hotel. Foreign businessmen and NGO workers frequent this hotel.
7 October 2015 3:00 PM

Pyongyang Grand Theater
Crowds watch a public performance
in front of the Pyongyang Grand Theater. This theater is the home of the DPRK’s Five Revolutionary Operas: elaborate Western-style operatic performances with choreographed dances and backgrounds.
7 October 2015 4:00 PM

Mirim Equestrian Center
A horse rider at Mirim Equestrian Center. The equestrian center was formerly a military horse training facility. It was then converted for civilian recreation.
8 October 2015 9:00 AM

May Day Stadium
May Day Stadium. The May Day Stadium is one of the largest athletic stadiums in the world. DPRK vs Philippines women’s soccer match.
8 October 2015 10:00 AM

May Day Stadium
Warm-up room inside of the May Day Stadium. The stadium was once home to the Arirang Mass Games, an enormous choreographed show, with over 100,000 participants depicting the revolutionary history of Korea. The stadium was recent- ly converted to accommodate a variety of football and track and field events. DPRK vs Philippines women’s soccer match.
8 October 2015 11:00 AM

May Day Stadium
Locker room in the May Day Stadium. Portraits of the DPRK leadership hang on the wall, just as they do in classrooms, offices and living rooms.
8 October 2015 11:00 AM

Arch of Triumph
Students pack up after a mass dance at the Arch of Triumph. The mural behind depicts President Kim Il Sung’s return to Pyongyang, and the liberation of Korea from Japanese colonial rule
in 1945.
8 October 2015 11:00 AM

Arch of Triumph
Students take a break during mass rally practice; Arch of Triumph.
8 October 2015 11:00 AM

Monument to Party Foundation
Bronze relief depicting workers, farmers, and intellectuals, flanked
by the soldiers; Monument to Party Foundation. The symbol of the Korean Workers’ Party adds a writing brush, signifying the intelligentsia, to the traditional hammer and sickle of other communist parties.
8 October 2015 1:00 PM

Official photo of Marshal Kim Jong Un

Monument to Party Foundation
Monument to Party Foundation. The symbol of the Korean Workers’ Party adds a writing brush, for the intelligentsia, to the traditional hammer and sickle of other communist parties.
8 October 2015 2:00 PM

Kim Il Sung Stadium
DPRK vs Philippines World Cup qualifier match; Kim Il Sung Stadium. The match ended up a 0-0 draw.
8 October 2015 3:00 PM

Kim Jong Suk Textiles Factory
Women’s dormitory at Kim Jong Suk Textiles Factory. The factory is the largest in Pyongyang. It occupies the site of a former Japanese colonial-era spinning mill.
9 October 2015 11:00 AM

A metro attendant signals the all clear. The city’s older metro cars were origi- nally imported from West Berlin. Today, domestically produced cars are being introduced.
9 October 2015 2:00 PM

Metro staff wipe down a car. The metro is closed for two days a month for fullscale maintenance.
9 October 2015 4:00 PM

Rodong Sinmun, the official paper of the Korean Workers’ Party, on display in the metro. It has the largest circula- tion in the country. Other newspapers include the Pyongyang News, Sports News, and Children’s Union News.
9 October 2015 2:00 PM


A train arriving at one of the smaller metro stations. The capital’s larger metro stations are reminiscent of Moscow’s subway with their elaborate interiors of chandeliers, mosaics, and ornate columns. Smaller stations are more modest, but nevertheless have their own unique mosaics, and often accompanying bronze work.
9 October 2015 4:00 PM

Kimilsungia-Kimjongilia Flower Exhibition
Pyongyang citizens and foreigners visit the Kimilsungia-Kimjongilia Flower Exhibition. This biannual festival, held on the anniversaries of the births of General Kim Jong Il on 18 February, ‘The Day of the Shining Star’, and President Kim Il Sung on 15 April,
‘The Day of the Sun’, sees organizations and individuals across Korean society prepare floral displays.
10 October 2015 10:00 AM

Kimilsungia-Kimjongilia Flower Exhibition
Party Foundation Day. A group of students walk together to the riverside. In the background is the Party Foundation Monument.
10 October 2015 11:00 AM

Kimilsungia-Kimjongilia Flower Exhibition
A floral display put together by a unit of the Korean People’s Army at the Kimilsungia-Kimjongilia Flower Exhibition in Pyongyang. The yellow text lit- erally reads ‘One Hundred Battles, One Hundred Victories’, or ever victorious. 10 October 2015 1:00 PM

Party Foundation Day celebrations
Party Foundation Day celebrations. Students wait for torchlight parade practice at the Central Youth Hall. 10 October 2015 4:00 PM

Party Foundation Day celebrations
Air force planes fly in the shape of the hammer, sickle, and writing brush symbol of the Korean Workers’ Party, for the opening of the military parade celebrating the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the party.
10 October 2015 4:00 PM

Party Foundation Day celebrations
As air force planes fly by, locals wait at the side of the street in Pyongyang to see the forces involved in a military parade. The sleek building in the background is a luxury restaurant and recreation complex with branches overseas.
10 October 2015 4:00 PM

Party Foundation Day celebrations
Parents with neighborhood children await the passing of a military parade. Contrary to popular belief outside Korea, military parades are not very common, occurring once every two or three years. This may be the first time for these children to see a parade live. 10 October 2015 4:00 PM

Party Foundation Day celebrations
A man waves the DPRK national flag as a military parade passes.
10 October 2015 5:00 PM

Party Foundation Day celebrations
Locals carry flowers to congratulate soldiers who have just participated in a military parade. Viewing parades from Kim Il Sung Square is by invitation only, but citizens and tourists can catch units as they leave the city.
10 October 2015 5:00 PM

Party Foundation Day celebrations
Soldiers of the Korean People’s Army leave the capital after a successful military parade. While soldiers are completely serious during the parade itself, they take on a relaxed and festive attitude once they have finished marching in formation.
10 October 2015 6:00 PM

Party Foundation Day celebrations
Soldiers of the Korean People’s Army af- ter a successful military parade. While soldiers are completely serious during the parade itself, they take on a relaxed and festive attitude once they have finished marching in formation.
10 October 2015 6:00 PM

Party Foundation Day celebrations

Party Foundation Day celebrations
Citizens take to the streets to greet soldiers after a military parade.
The sign says ‘Unite the Fatherland’, which for the DPRK has long been a national priority.
10 October 2015 6:00 PM

Party Foundation Day celebrations
A Korean People’s Army armored personnel carrier flying the DPRK flag rolls by as children look on. 10 October 2015 6:00 PM

Palace of the Sun
Fountain at the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun. This is the mausoleum where President Kim Il Sung and Leader Kim Jong Il lie in state.
11 October 2015 10:00 AM

Indoor Stadium
Student-organized mass dance at the Indoor Stadium. Usually held on holidays, mass dances take place at locations around the capital and in other cities, and can have anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand partici- pants. Foreign visitors are often encouraged to join in.
11 October 2015 4:00 PM

Indoor Stadium
‘Celebrating 10.10’ —10 October, Party Foundation Day, at a mass dance; Indoor Stadium.
11 October 2015 4:00 PM

Masik Pass Ski Resort
Masik Pass Ski Resort,
Kangwon Province
This luxury resort, which opened in 2013, has become a popular domestic travel destination.
12 October 2015 1:00 PM

Masik Pass Ski Resort
Masik Pass Ski Resort,
Kangwon Province
Skiing penguins. Statues of anthropo- morphized animals are a common sight in parks, historic areas, hotels, and along the roadside across the DPRK.
12 October 2015 2:00 PM

Masik Pass Ski Resort
Masik Pass Ski Resort, Kangwon Province
Ski equipment for rent. 12 October 2015 2:00 PM

Wonsan, Kangwon Province
Wedding celebrations in a park. In the background, a football team looks on. 12 October 2015 3:00 PM

Dongmyong Hotel
Wonsan, Kangwon Province
Table tennis practice in the central atrium of the Dongmyong Hotel. This seaside hotel is frequented by Chinese business people and staff of the World Food Programme.
12 October 2015 5:00 PM

Songdowon International Schoolchildren’s Union Camp
Wonsan, Kangwon Province
Girls’ dormitory at the Songdowon International Schoolchildren’s Union Camp. The largest summer camp in the DPRK houses domestic and international students who can visit the camp for two-week sessions during the summer. International students largely come from countries with tradi- tionally close relations to Korea — Russia, China, Vietnam, Mongolia — and some also come from countries further afield.
13 October 2015 10:00 AM

Songdowon International Schoolchildren’s Union Camp
Wonsan, Kangwon Province
Passageway at the Songdowon International Schoolchildren’s Union Camp. The best students from schools around the country are chosen to spend time at the camp, free of charge. Students are selected for their talent in academic subjects, the arts, and/or sports.
13 October 2015 10:00 AM

Songdowon International Schoolchildren’s Union Camp
Wonsan, Kangwon Province
A local guide leads the way at Songdowon International Schoolchildren’s Union Camp. The grounds have on-site dormitories, cafeterias, classrooms, a water park, botanical garden, aquarium, aviary, and sport facilities.
13 October 2015 11:00 AM

Songdowon International Schoolchildren’s Union Camp
Wonsan, Kangwon Province
Gymnasium at Songdowon International Schoolchildren’s Union Camp.
13 October 2015 12:00 NOON

Seafood restaurant

Samil Lagoon
Mt. Kumgang, Kangwon Province
Chinese tourists and a local Korean guide at Samil Lagoon. Chinese citizens make up the largest number of visitors to the DPRK, although many only visit for a day-trip across the border. Longer Chinese tours to other parts of the country are less common.
14 October 2015 1:00 PM

Mt. Kumgang
Mt. Kumgang, Kangwon Province
Mist envelops the resort built by the South Korean conglomerate Hyundai to welcome South Korean tourists from 2002 to 2008. The facilities are largely no longer in use, awaiting improvements in inter-Korean relations.
15 October 2015 7:00 AM

Mt. Kumgang
Mt. Kumgang, Kangwon Province
Kindergarten children learn to line up at Chonsam-ri Cooperative Farm.
16 October 2015 11:00 AM

Chonsamri Cooperative Farm
Mt Kumgang, Kangwon Province
Inside a farmhouse at Chonsamri Cooperative Farm. This farm specializes in persimmons.
16 October 2015 11:00 AM

Kangwon Provincial Art Gallery
Wonsan, Kangwon Province
Oil painting of General Kim Jong Il with soldiers of the Korean People’s Army; Kangwon Provincial Art Gallery.
16 October 2015 1:00 PM

Pujon County
South Hamgyong Province
A town in Pujon County. Houses in this high upland region have steeply slanted roofs to deal with winter snow. The Battle of the Chosin (Changjin) Reser- voir, which saw some of the most brutal fighting of the Korean War, took place in the middle of winter, 1950, in the adjacent highland county.
17 October 2015 11:00 AM

Stone River
South Hamgyong Province
A local guide at the Stone River —
a remote geological feature in a beautiful highland area — at Mt. Okry- on Revolutionary Site, Pujon County. 17 October 2015 1:00 PM

Majon Hotel

Hungnam Fertilizer Plant
Hamhung, South Hamgyong Province
Hungnam Fertilizer Plant. The agriculture sector in the DPRK used to rely heavily on chemical fertilizers, but limited energy resources since the 1990s have resulted in the widespread use of organic inputs.
18 October 2015 10:00 AM

Tongbong Cooperative Farm
South Hamgyong Province
Farm store at Tongbong Cooperative Farm. The farm store sells homewares, school supplies, and farmgrown produce.
18 October 2015 1:00 PM

Koryo Hotel

Changgwang Kindergarten

Changgwang Kindergarten
Class time; Changgwang Kindergarten. Every Korean classroom has portraits of President Kim Il Sung and Leader
Kim Jong Il.
19 October 2015 4:00 PM

Changgwang Kindergarten
Learning about the nature of Mt. Paekdu; Changgwang Kindergarten. Education in the DPRK places considerable emphasis on learning about the geography, nature, history, and culture of Korea.
19 October 2015 4:00 PM

Changgwang Kindergarten
Take the ‘Unification Express’ — children watch a game from a model train; Changgwang Kindergarten.
19 October 2015 4:00 PM

Changgwang Kindergarten

Chongnyon (Youth) Hotel

Doksong Primary School
Pyongsong, South Pyong’an Province
Science-teaching room at the Doksong Primary School. The room is designed to introduce students to the nature of both Korea and their home province. 28 October 2015 10:00 AM

Doksong Primary School
Pyongsong, South Pyong’an Province
Interactive language-learning lab at Doksong Primary School.
28 October 2015 11:00 AM

Doksong Primary School
Pyongsong, South Pyong’an Province
A pupil at Doksong Primary School reads stories from the revolutionary life of Mother Kim Jong Suk, wife of President Kim Il Sung and mother of General Kim Jong Il.
28 October 2015 11:00 AM

Doksong Primary School
Pyongsong, South Pyong’an Province
The lead singer at Doksong Primary School.
28 October 2015 11:00 AM

Hoechang, South Pyong’an Province
The hilly road to Hoechang. There is a cemetery for the Chinese People’s Volunteers who fought and died on the DPRK side in the Korean War. Chinese leader Mao Zedong’s own son is buried there.
30 October 2015 10:00 AM


The International Friendship Exhibition
Mt. Myohyang, South Pyong’an Province
A group prepares to visit the International Friendship Exhibition. The International Friendship Exhibition is a labyrinthine complex, carved into a limestone mountain, that houses state gifts presented to the DPRK leadership from world leaders and organizations. 31 October 2015 12:00 NOON

Chongchon Hotel
Mt. Myohyang, South Pyong’an Province
Mural depicting President Kim Il Sung and General Kim Jong Il in front of the International Friendship Exhibition; Chongchon Hotel.
31 October 2015 1:00 PM

Mt. Myohyang
Mt. Myohyang, South Pyong’an Province
Preparing for a barbecue in a river bed. When traveling domestically and abroad, it is common for Koreans to travel with their work units, although travel with family and friends is now becoming more common.
31 October 2015 3:00 PM

Rainbow Boat
Soldiers board the Rainbow Boat for a sightseeing cruise and dining experience on the Taedong River.
1 November 2015 2:00 PM

Rainbow Boat

Changgwangwon Health Complex
The capital’s Ice Rink. The DPRK has a domestic ice hockey league and ice-skating is a popular activity.
View from the entrance of the Changgwangwon Health Complex.
1 November 2015 4:00 PM

Changgwangwon Health Complex
Central hall of Changgwangwon Health Complex. The complex has an Olympic-sized swimming pool, spas, barber- shops, beauty salons, and restaurants. 1 November 2015 4:00 PM

Changgwangwon Health Complex
Water ballet practice; Changgwangwon Health Complex. Synchronized swimming performances are sometimes part of prominent national celebrations on major holidays; the national team competes in international events.
1 November 2015 4:00 PM

Changgwangwon Health Complex

Changgwangwon Health Complex
Swimming lessons; Changgwangwon Health Complex. There is an annual swimming competition across the Taedong River, which bisects the capital.
1 November 2015 4:00 PM

Changgwangwon Health Complex
Massage and cupping at the Chang- gwangwon Health Complex. In the DPRK, traditional treatment is known as ‘Koryo Medicine’.
1 November 2015 5:00 PM

Changgwangwon Health Complex
Regular visitors wait to use the facilities at Changgwangwon Health Complex.
1 November 2015 5:00 PM

Changgwangsan Hotel
Pyongyang Ice Rink and the Ryugyong Hotel; view from the Changgwangsan Hotel.
2 November 2015 7:00 AM

Chongsan-ri Cooperative Farm
Teachers instruct kindergarten students in dance; Chongsan-ri Cooperative Farm
2 November 2015 10:00 AM

Chongsan-ri Cooperative Farm
Farmers collecting rice straw after the harvest; Chongsan-ri Cooperative Farm. In rural Korea, virtually every square meter of arable land is cultivated; little goes to waste.
2 November 2015 10:00 AM

Tae’an Glass Factory
Quality control at the Tae’an Glass Factory. The Taedong River Valley between Pyongyang and Nampo is an area of heavy industrial development. 2 November 2015 2:00 PM

Ryonggang Hot Spa Hotel
Banqueting hall entrance at the Ryonggang Hot Spa Hotel. This resort is a popular getaway location for Koreans, including honeymooners.
2 November 2015 7:00 PM

Sinchon US War Atrocities Museum
‘Let’s drive out American Imperialism and Unite the Fatherland’ reads a poster at the Sinchon US War Atrocities Museum. Political slogans are written in red, and black is reserved for particularly detested words, in this case: ‘American Imperialism’.
3 November 2015 1:00 PM

Sinchon US War Atrocities Museum
Artist’s interpretation of internecine violence during the Korean War.
This painting and diorama depicts the drowning of civilians by anti-Communist troops under US command; Sinchon US War Crimes Museum.
3 November 2015 1:00 PM

Sinchon US War Atrocities Museum
A man explains American atrocities committed during the Korean War at Sinchon US War Atrocities Museum. The grass mounds behind him are traditional Korean graves.
3 November 2015 1:00 PM

Sinchon US War Atrocities Museum
An artist’s depiction of alleged war crimes during the Korean War. The diorama depicts the American soldiers driving a nail into a Korean woman’s head; Sinchon US War Atrocities Museum.
3 November 2015 2:00 PM

Sinchon US War Atrocities Museum
An artist’s depiction of alleged war crimes during the Korean War. The mural depicts an American GI torturing a Korean; Sinchon US War Atrocities Museum. The hat and red-white badge indicate that the man being tortured is a student.
3 November 2015 2:00 PM

Sinchon US War Atrocities Museum
An image of Korean People’s Army tanks conducting war exercises; Sinchon US War Atrocities Museum. Displays of military might are common in public media.
3 November 2015 2:00 PM

Sinchon US War Atrocities Museum
Museum guides of the Sinchon US War Atrocities Museum talk during a break. The guides wear an adaptation of a traditional Korean dress generally reserved for solemn occasions or locations.
3 November 2015 2:00 PM

Sinchon US War Atrocities Museum
Pupils from a primary school visit the Sinchon US War Atrocities Museum. Political education starts at a very young age in Korea.
3 November 2015 3:00 PM

Sariwon Folk Street
Wedding ceremony. Father and daughter watch from a swing while others take photos; Sariwon Folk Street.
3 November 2015 4:00 PM

March 8th (International Women’s Day) Hotel
Painting of President Kim Il Sung, with people from around the world,
in the lobby of the March 8th (International Women’s Day) Hotel. The hotel’s eccentric décor was partially provided by a South Korean furniture baron who was born in Sariwon and moved south during the Korean War.
3 November 2015 4:00 PM

Pakyon Waterfall
Locals explore Pakyon Waterfall, Kaesong. The waterfall is one of the ‘Three Wonders of Kaesong’, along with So Gyong Dok (a poet and philosopher), and Hwang Jin I (a female entertainer and poet), both of whom lived in the 16th century.
4 November 2015 11:00 AM

Pakyon Waterfall
A propaganda broadcast van near Pakyon Waterfall. Such vans can be frequently seen around the country, playing announcements and news to the public.
4 November 2015 12:00 NOON

Roadside monument of an AK-47, near Kaesong. Political monuments are com- mon, even in small towns and villages. 4 November 2015 2:00 PM

Panmunjom Truce Village
Official photo of Marshal Kim Jong Un’s on-the-spot inspection at the Panmunjom Truce Village.
5 November 2015 9:00 AM

Panmunjom Truce Village
Soldiers from North and South Korea
at Panmunjom Truce Village. Soldiers are only deployed if there are visitors on their respective side. The exception is when a high-level visitor visits one of the sides, such as an American Secretary of State, or someone of similar status.
5 November 2015 10:00 AM

Korean People’s Army officers gaze across the DMZ at South Korean fortifications on the other side, near Kaesong. The official standpoint
of the DPRK state is that the South Korean fortifications are a deliberate attempt to permanently divide the peninsula, and exist as a potential launching point for invasion.
5 November 2015 2:00 PM

Kaesong Schoolchildren’s Palace
Singing class in Kaesong Schoolchildren’s Palace. This Schoolchildren’s Palace was the first of its kind to be built in the DPRK.
5 November 2015 4:00 PM

Kaesong Schoolchildren’s Palace
A girl plays the accordion in Kaesong Schoolchildren’s Palace. The accordion is a popular instrument inherited from the Soviet Union. The DPRK now produces its own accordions.
5 November 2015 4:00 PM

Janamsan Hotel
Morning exercises for hotel staff at
the Janamsan Hotel. Despite the look on their faces, the Janamsan has the friendliest and most professional hotel staff in the country.
6 November 2015 8:00 AM

Haeju Folk Park
A map of Haeju Folk Park. Haeju is a port city on the DPRK’s west coast, and is rarely visited by foreigners. American tourists could not spend the night in the city until 2017.
6 November 2015 2:00 PM

Taesong Department Store
Electronic goods on sale at the Taesong Department Store. Originally based on the Soviet style, the capital’s department stores have diversified in recent years and now operate their own restaurants, spas, bakeries, and bars.
7 November 2015 2:00 PM

Marshal Kim Jong Un
Official portrait of Marshal Kim Jong Un conducting on-the-spot guidance for horse riding outfits.
7 November 2015 2:00 PM

Korea Feature Film Studio
It’s Chinatown, at the Korea Feature Film Studio. Manchuria — today’s Northeast China — features prominently in many Korean movies, as it was the base of operations for many anti- Japanese guerillas during the colonial occupation.
7 November 2015 3:00 PM

Pyongyang Folk Park
The Grand People’s Study House and Kim Il Sung Square in miniature; Pyongyang Folk Park. The Pyongyang Folk Park is now closed.
8 November 2015 10:00 AM

Pyongyang Folk Park
A miniature of the Mansudae Grand Monument; Pyongyang Folk Park.
8 November 2015 10:00 AM

Pyongyang Folk Park
Mt. Kumgang, the Diamond Mountain, and Changsokjong, a columnar basalt formation on Korea’s east coast, in miniature; Pyongyang Folk Park.
8 November 2015 11:00 AM

Pyongyang Zoo
A mobile band performs music in front of the entrance to the Pyongyang Zoo, while under renovation. Small bands often visit construction and work sites to encourage people.
8 November 2015 11:00 AM

Munsu Waterpark

Munsu Waterpark
A wall poster showing different hairstyles; Munsu Waterpark. Posters like this have been the source of rumors among foreigners that the DPRK state only permits a set number of haircuts. In fact they are simply examples, the sort of thing found in a hair salon magazine. The different haircuts and styles, especially among women, are too numerous to count.
8 November 2015 2:00 PM

Munsu Waterpark
A swimmer watches a Korean movie on the screen; Munsu Waterpark. The post- er shows examples of men’s haircuts.
8 November 2015 2:00 PM

Munsu Waterpark

Future Scientists Street
Pedestrians on Future Scientists Street. This new residential district opened in 2015, and is reserved for scientists, academics, professors, and their families. 8 November 2015 4:00 PM

Rungra Dolphinarium
A mermaid performer at the Rungra Dolphinarium. The Danish fairy tale ‘The Little Mermaid’ by Hans Christian Andersen is available in translation at bookstores, while the Disney cartoon adaptation dubbed into Korean can be bought on DVD.
9 November 2015 11:00 AM

Rungra Dolphinarium
Spectators watch the dolphin show at Rungra Dolphinarium.
9 November 2015 11:00 AM

Pyongyang Station
Locals and travelers watch a film on a public screen; Pyongyang Station. This screen in the center of the city regularly shows movies throughout the day. It is also used for important news broadcasts, such as the announcement of nuclear or missile tests, for example.
9 November 2015 11:00 AM

Yanggakdo International Hotel
A view of west Pyongyang from a room in the Yanggakdo International Hotel. 26 May 2017 9:00 AM

April 25th House of Culture
Father and son sit down for a rest in front of the April 25th House of Culture. April 25th is the founding date of the Korean People’s Army, and the enormous structure is used for important military and political meetings, as well as performances.
26 May 2017 10:00 AM

Apartments built for professors
Pedestrians hide from the sun. In the background, special apartments built for professors of Kim Il Sung University, the nation’s most prestigious.
26 May 2017 10:00 AM

Science and Technology Center
A student watches a video about Joseph Stalin at the Science and Technology Center.
26 May 2017 3:00 PM

Science and Technology Center
Young Koreans explore a mockup of
the country’s winter landscape at the Science and Technology Complex. Koreans from both north and south will often describe the country as having four distinct seasons.
26 May 2017 3:00 PM

Science and Technology Center
Flight simulator practice at the Science and Technology Complex.
26 May 2017 4:00 PM

Marshal Kim Jong Un
An official portrait of Marshal Kim Jong Un providing on-the-spot guidance.
27 May 2017 10:00 AM

Jangchon Vegetable Cooperative Farm

Tower of the Juche Idea
Children read about the Juche Idea
in the shadow of a large bronze monument — of a worker, farmer, and intellectual — based on the USSR’s ‘Worker and Kolkhoz Woman’ statue; Tower of the Juche Idea.
27 May 2017 5:00 PM

Kim Il Sung Square
A local man stops in Kim Il Sung Square in the evening to take a selfie.
27 May 2017 7:00 PM

Taedong River
Foreign athletes mix with their Korean counterparts on the banks of the Taedong River. In the background is the Tower of the Juche Idea, a monument to the DPRK’s guiding philosophy.
27 May 2017 7:00 PM

Bongsu Protestant Church
A lay minister at Bongsu Protestant Church. The church is nondenominational; American evangelist Billy Graham once preached here. European, American, and Canadian missionaries introduced Protestant Christianity to Korea in the 19th century, where it took root, especially in the northern half of the peninsula. Before 1945, Pyongyang had the largest Christian population
of any city in East Asia except Manila. Many of today’s Christians are the descendants of prominent merchant and intellectual families who were involved in nationalist activities against Japanese rule during the colonial period, and,
for this reason, are allowed to continue their family traditions in the predominately atheist DPRK.
28 May 2017 10:00 AM

Bongsu Protestant Church

Bongsu Protestant Church
Singing hymns at Bongsu Protestant Church. Small communities of Christians are allowed to practice within the confines of authorized churches. There are three churches for Koreans in the capital: two Protestant and one Catholic.
28 May 2017 10:00 AM

Pyongyang Zoo
The Pyongyang Zoo is a popular week- end destination for families. The zoo recently underwent extensive renovation, and has a number of exhibition halls on display, in addition to the animals.
28 May 2017 3:00 PM

Pyongyang Zoo
A man and his daughter learn about prehistoric life; Pyongyang Zoo.
28 May 2017 3:00 PM

Pyongyang Zoo
A group of students pose for a picture in front of dinosaurs at the Natural History Exhibition; Pyongyang Zoo. 28 May 2017 3:00 PM

Pyongyang Zoo

Pyongyang Zoo

Three Revolutions Exhibition
Domestically produced train, bus, and excavator at the Three Revolutions Exhibition.
29 May 2017 4:00 PM

Three Revolutions Exhibition
‘Toys’, with a background image depicting children dressed as soldiers and doctors, playing with remote-control vehicles; Three Revolutions Exhibition. 29 May 2017 4:00 PM

Chonsam-ri Cooperative Farm
Kangwon Province
Painting a production chart for ‘Socialist Competition’ between different productions teams; Chonsam-ri Cooperative Farm.
30 May 2017 3:00 PM

Chonsam-ri Cooperative Farm
Kangwon Province
Farm children transplant rice seedlings into a paddy field in the spring; Chonsam-ri Cooperative Farm. Rice transplanting is a major annual task and city dwellers are called upon to provide supplementary labor during one of the busiest times of the year on the farm.
30 May 2017 3:00 PM

Wonsan, Kangwon Province
Family and friends snap photos of a wedding couple at a local park in Wonsan. In recent years, cell phones, and now smart phones — that connect to the country’s domestic intranet — have been popularized around the country, especially among young people.
31 May 2017 1:00 PM

Children’s Day (1 June)
Rungna Islet. Parents photograph their children dressed up for International Children’s Day (1 June).
1 June 2017 9:00 AM

Children’s Day (1 June)
Rungna Islet. Students prepare for a festival on International Children’s Day (1 June). The mockups of missiles say ‘Juche Bomb’, while a caricature of an American soldier grimaces.
1 June 2017 10:00 AM

Children’s Day (1 June)
Rungna Islet. International Children’s Day. Vendors sell refreshments. Recent years have seen an expansion of foodstuff products, including ‘eskimos’ (ice cream), candied and bread
snacks, cakes, and regional beers.
1 June 2017 10:00 AM

Children’s Day (1 June)

Children’s Day (1 June)

Manggyondae Schoolchildren’s Palace
A foreign delegation visits an accordion class at Manggyondae Schoolchildren’s Palace.
1 June 2017 4:00 PM

Manggyondae Schoolchildren’s Palace
Interior of the recently renovated Manggyondae Schoolchildren’s Palace. The rocket is the Unha-3 (or ‘Galaxy-3’) carrier, designed to deliver payloads into space.
1 June 2017 4:00 PM

Manggyondae Schoolchildren’s Palace
Drawing class at the recently renovated Manggyondae Schoolchildren’s Palace. 1 June 2017 4:00 PM

Manggyondae Schoolchildren’s Palace
A young crooner goes solo; Manggyondae Schoolchildren’s Palace. The youngster will grow up singing Korean songs, but may sing Sinatra, popular among English-speakers, when he grows up.
1 June 2017 5:00 PM

Kaeson Youth Funfair

Science and Technology Complex
Futuristic exterior of the Science and Technology Complex, Pyongyang. The complex is devoted to education and research for students, professors, and academics around the country. The complex even includes a hotel for visitors from outside the capital.
The local staff here dress in teal.
2 June 2017 9:00 AM

Korea Feature Film Studio
A film production crew take a break
on set; Korea Feature Film Studio.
The DPRK has a relatively active film industry for a nation of its size, although production numbers have declined in recent years as more emphasis has been given to short TV shows.
2 June 2017 10:00 AM

Korea Feature Film Studio
A director calls the shots as an acrobatic team juggles; Korea Feature Film Studio.
2 June 2017 11:00 AM

Korea Feature Film Studio
Acrobatic practice on set; Korea Feature Film Studio. Acrobatics, dance, and gymnastics are held in high regard in Korean society.
2 June 2017 11:00 AM

Science and Technology Complex
Students pay their respects to a portrait of President Kim Il Sung and General Kim Jong Il; Science and Technology Complex.
2 June 2017 3:00 PM

Science and Technology Complex
Defense technology exhibition at the Science and Technology Complex. The DPRK considers the development of advanced weaponry a national priority. 2 June 2017 4:00 PM

Moranbong hotel
Moranbong hotel. A hotel staff member cleans a window. As housekeeping is on duty for a full day shift, rooms
are checked once in the morning, and again in the afternoon. Foreign visitors sometimes misinterpret this as spying if objects in the room are moved around. 3 June 2017 11:00 AM

Church of the Life-Giving Trinity
Foreign worshipper at the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, Eastern Orthodox Church. While the church is for foreigners living in Pyongyang, the priest is North Korean and studied at Moscow Theological Seminary.
3 June 2017 6:00 PM

Changchung Roman Catholic Church
Parishioners at Changchung Roman Catholic Church. Catholicism was largely introduced to Korea in the 1700s by scholars who had encountered the religion in the Chinese imperial archives.
4 June 2017 9:00 AM

Changchung Roman Catholic Church

Changchung Roman Catholic Church

Monument to Party Foundation
Student mass dance at the Monument to Party Foundation. The Kimilsungist- Kimjongilist Youth League help to organize the dance.
4 June 2017 5:00 PM

Grand People’s Study House
Entry to the Grand People’s Study House. The painting in the background depicts President Kim Il Sung at Mt. Paekdu.
5 June 2017 3:00 PM

Seamen’s club
Seamen’s club. Small theater used for performances and political meetings. The slogans on the sides say ‘Long Live the Workers’ Party of Korea’ and ‘Long Live the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’.
5 June 2017 5:00 PM

Pyongyang Railroad Station
Crowds see their relatives and friends off at Pyongyang Railroad Station.
The capital is the center of an extensive domestic rail network, and also has international trains to China.
8 June 2017 9:00 AM

Sinuiju Folk Park
Sinuiju, North Pyong’an Province
A woman in traditional dress prepares a swing at Sinuiju Folk Park.
9 June 2017 11:00 AM

Amnok (Yalu) River
Sinuiju, North Pyong’an Province
Korean freighter moored on the Amnok (Yalu) River. Across the far bank is the Chinese city of Dandong, Liaoning Province.
9 June 2017 11:00 AM