Congo (Belge)
‘The negro is very attached to those he loves and respects, and will not leave them in danger. [
] the negro is courageous, but only in the face of visible danger. He bears pain courageously, providing he knows its cause; on the other hand, he has an unreasonable fear of every invisible threat and easily, if not always, ascribes the origin of accidents or illnesses that befall him to secret powers or to a spell cast by his enemies. He is very idle and possesses a great talent for mimicry, but he has no sense of where the ridiculous begins. For this reason he sometimes comes across as grotesque when imitating white mens clothing and manners. He has a cheerful character, likes singing and dancing; everything for him is an excuse to sing and dance, but when he is drunk (and he has a weakness for alcoholic beverages) he quickly becomes quarrelsome and cruel.’
Two years before independence, the official travel guide for Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi briefly summarizes the psychology of fourteen million Africans.
Continue reading the intro of the book. Text and research
This book is part of a 2 book project about the former Belgian colony. Past and present.
Congo Belge en images (past)
Books : Congo Belge en images (sold out), Congo (Belge), Limited edition with sleeve and both books (sold out).

Boma 2009

Boma 2009
Boma 2009
Monument for Stanley.

Boma 2009
Boma 2009
House of first Governor

Boma 2009
Boma 2009
Institut Mungu, school colony.

Boma 2009
Boma 2009
First church (iron).

Boma 2009
Boma 2009
Institut Mungu. School colony.

Matadi 2007
Matadi 2007
Monument to the bearers. (A. Dupagne).

Matadi 2007
Matadi 2007
Large bridge over the Mpozo river.

Matadi 2007
Matadi 2007

Matadi 2009
Matadi 2009
Former sailor
Belgian biloco's (things bought in Belgium - now used for second hand items)

Matadi 2007
Matadi 2007
Administration building.

Matadi 2009
Matadi 2009
Governor’s house. Meeting with the vice Governor.

Matadi 2009
Matadi 2009

Matadi 2009
Matadi 2009

Matadi 2007
Matadi 2007

Matadi 2007
Matadi 2007
Hotel Métropole.

Thysville 2009
Thysville 2009
Sacred Heart Church.

Thysville 2009
Thysville 2009
Kitala residence.

Thysville 2009
Thysville 2009
Colonial’s house.

Thysville 2009
Thysville 2009
St Theresa’s Church.

Thysville 2009
Thysville 2009
Otraco workshops.

Kisantu 2007
Kisantu 2007
Botanical gardens.

Kisantu 2007
Kisantu 2007
Botanical gardens.

Mayadi 2009
Mayadi 2009
Major seminary.

Leopoldville 2007
Leopoldville 2007
Statue of King Leopold II.

Leopoldville 2009
Leopoldville 2009
Statue of King Albert I.

Leopoldville 2007
Leopoldville 2007
St George’s college. Portrait of Mobutu.

Leopoldville 2007
Leopoldville 2007
St George’s college.

Leopoldville 2007
Leopoldville 2007
Sacred Heart Church.

Leopoldville 2007
Leopoldville 2007
St François de Sales church.

Leopoldville 2009
Leopoldville 2009
Lovanium (university).

Leopoldville 2009
Leopoldville 2009
Lovanium (university).

Leopoldville 2009
Leopoldville 2009
National archives.

Leopoldville 2007
Leopoldville 2007
St Leopold’s seminary.

Leopoldville 2007
Leopoldville 2007
Catholic church.

Leopoldville 2007
Leopoldville 2007
Academy of fine arts.

Leopoldville 2009
Leopoldville 2009
CICM Theological college.

Leopoldville 2007
Leopoldville 2007
Academy of fine arts.

Kikwit 2007
Kikwit 2007

Kikwit 2007
Kikwit 2007

Kikwit 2007
Kikwit 2007
Jesuit mission.

Kikwit 2007
Kikwit 2007
Jesuit mission.

Kikwit 2007
Kikwit 2007
Jesuit mission.

Stanleyville 2008
Stanleyville 2008
Swimming pool.

Stanleyville 2008
Stanleyville 2008

Stanleyville 2008
Stanleyville 2008
Hellenic circle.

Stanleyville 2008
Stanleyville 2008
Hotel Pourquoi Pas.

Stanleyville 2008
Stanleyville 2008
Colonial villa.

Stanleyville 2008
Stanleyville 2008
Star cinema.

Stanleyville 2008
Stanleyville 2008

Yangambi 2009
Yangambi 2009
INEAC. National institute for the agronomic study of the Belgian Congo.

Yangambi 2009
Yangambi 2009
INEAC. National institute for the agronomic study of the Belgian Congo.

Yangambi 2009
Yangambi 2009
INEAC. National institute for the agronomic study of the Belgian Congo.

Yangambi 2009

Yangambi 2009
Yangambi 2009
INEAC. National institute for the agronomic study of the Belgian Congo.

Yangambi 2009
Yangambi 2009
INEAC. National institute for the agronomic study of the Belgian Congo.

Goma 2007
Goma 2007

Goma 2007
Goma 2007
St Joseph’s Cathedral.

Sake 2007
Sake 2007
Le Lac Vert (the green lake).

Goma 2007
Goma 2007

Goma 2007
Goma 2007

Bunia 2007
Bunia 2007
Catholic mission.

Bunia 2007
Bunia 2007
Catholic mission.

Bunia 2007
Bunia 2007
Shopping street.

Bunia 2007
Bunia 2007
Fish market.

Bunia 2008
Bunia 2008
Country club.

Centrale 1, 2008
Centrale 1, 2008
Hydro-electric station.

Centrale 1, 2008
Centrale 1, 2008
Hydro-electric station.

Beni 2008
Beni 2008
St Gustave’s Catholic Mission.

Beni 2008
Beni 2008
St Gustave’s Catholic Mission.

Beni 2008
Beni 2008
St Gustave’s Catholic Mission.

Centrale 1, 2008
Centrale 1, 2008
Hydro-electric station.

Beni 2007
Beni 2007

Beni 2008
Beni 2008

Beni 2008
Beni 2008
Travel agency. Gloria airways.

Beni 2008
Beni 2008
St Gustave’s Catholic Mission.

Beni 2007
Beni 2007
The Belgian quarter.

Rutshuru 2008
Rutshuru 2008
Colonial villa.

Rutshuru 2008
Rutshuru 2008
The Belgian quarter.

Rutshuru 2008
Rutshuru 2008

Rutshuru 2008
Rutshuru 2008
Colonial villa.

Rutshuru 2008
Rutshuru 2008
Colonial’s house.

Rutshuru 2008
Rutshuru 2008

Mutwanga 2008
Mutwanga 2008
Hotel Le Chalet.

Rutshuru 2008
Mutwanga 2008
Hotel Ruwenzori.

Jiba 2007
Jiba 2007
Catholic mission.

Jiba 2007
Jiba 2007
Catholic mission.

Fataki 2007
Fataki 2007
Carmel of the Sacred Heart.

Fataki 2007
Fataki 2007
The minor seminary '(Le Petit Seminaire).

Rimba 2008
Rimba 2008
Catholic church.

Rimba 2008
Rimba 2008
INERA. Agricultural rechearch intstitute.

Fataki 2007
Fataki 2007
The minor seminary '(Le Petit Seminaire).

Fataki 2007
Fataki 2007
The minor seminary '(Le Petit Seminaire).

Rimba 2008
Rimba 2008
INERA. Agricultural rechearch intstitute.

Rimba 2008
Rimba 2008
INERA. Agricultural rechearch intstitute.

Nizi 2008
Nizi 2008
Kilo-Moto gold mining company.

Nizi 2008
Nizi 2008
Kilo-Moto gold mining company.

Nizi 2008
Nizi 2008
Kilo-Moto gold mining company.

Nizi 2008
Nizi 2008
Kilo-Moto gold mining company.

Costermansville 2008
Costermansville 2008
Country club.

Costermansville 2008
Costermansville 2008
Congo Tours harbour.

Costermansville 2008
Costermansville 2008
Cathedral of the Bishopric.

Costermansville 2008
Costermansville 2008
Cathedral of the Bishopric.

Costermansville 2008
Costermansville 2008
Jesuit college.

Costermansville 2008
Costermansville 2008
Hotel Cofonya à Pointe Claire.

Costermansville 2008
Costermansville 2008
Technical institute.

Costermansville 2008
Costermansville 2008
Palace cinema.

Costermansville 2008
Costermansville 2008
Albert I boarding school for European girls.

Uvira 2008
Uvira 2008
Catholic mission.

Costermansville 2008
Costermansville 2008
Palace cinema.

Uvira 2008
Uvira 2008
Usine Cotonco.

Uvira 2008
Uvira 2008
Usine Cotonco.

Uvira 2008
Uvira 2008
Usine Cotonco.

Albertville 2008
Albertville 2008
REGIDESO. Water board.

Albertville 2008
Albertville 2008
Hotel Palace.

Albertville 2008
Albertville 2008

Albertville 2008
Albertville 2008
Railway station.

Albertville 2008
Albertville 2008
Workers CFL village (Railway of the Lakes).

Albertville 2008
Albertville 2008

Albertville 2008
Albertville 2008
REGIDESO. Water board.

Sampwe 2008
Sampwe 2008
Catholic mission.

Sampwe 2008
Sampwe 2008
Catholic mission.

Sampwe 2008
Sampwe 2008
Boarding school for girls.

Sampwe 2008
Sampwe 2008
Boarding school for boys.

Kyubo 2008
Kyubo 2008
Lufira falls.

Kyubo 2008
Kyubo 2008
Colonial’s house.

Kyubo 2008
Kyubo 2008
Lufira falls. Kiubo hotel. Garage.

Kyubo 2008
Kyubo 2008
Lufira falls.

Mitwaba 2006
Mitwaba 2006
Catholic church.

Mitwaba 2006
Mitwaba 2006
SERMIKAT. Worker’s houses (Mine Works).

Buende 2003
Buende 2003
Colonial’s house.

Djolu 2003
Djolu 2003

Baudouinville 2008
Baudouinville 2008
Catholic Mission of the White Fathers. (Witte Paters - Pères Blancs).

Baudouinville 2008
Baudouinville 2008
Catholic Mission of the White Fathers. (Witte Paters - Pères Blancs).

Baudouinville 2008
Baudouinville 2008
The Major Seminary (Le Grand Seminaire).

Baudouinville 2008
Baudouinville 2008
Catholic Mission of the White Fathers. (Witte Paters - Pères Blancs).

Baudouinville 2008
Baudouinville 2008
Catholic Mission of the White Fathers. (Witte Paters - Pères Blancs).

Baudouinville 2008
Baudouinville 2008

Kabalo 2008
Kabalo 2008

Kabalo 2008
Kabalo 2008

Kabalo 2008
Kabalo 2008
Railway station.

Jadotville 2008
Jadotville 2008
Prison ‘The Vatican’.

Jadotville 2008
Jadotville 2008

Kabalo 2008
Kabalo 2008
The aerodrome. Airfield.

Jadotville 2008
Jadotville 2008

Jadotville 2008
Jadotville 2008

Jadotville 2008
Jadotville 2008

Jadotville 2008
Jadotville 2008
Central park.

Jadotville 2008
Jadotville 2008
Cercle sportif.

Jadotville 2008
Jadotville 2008
UMHK. Union Minière du Haut Katanga. Recreational centre.

Jadotville 2008
Jadotville 2008

Jadotville 2008
Jadotville 2008

Elisabethville 2009
Elisabethville 2009
St François de Sales college.

Elisabethville 2009
Elisabethville 2009
Technical institute.

Kolwezi 2009
Kolwezi 2009
UMHK. Union Minière du Haut Katanga. Recreational centre.

Elisabethville 2009
Elisabethville 2009

Elisabethville 2009
Elisabethville 2009
Zoological garden (The Lido).

Elisabethville 2007
Elisabethville 2007
Zoological garden (The Lido).

Elisabethville 2009
Elisabethville 2009
Balloon house (Maison ballon).

Elisabethville 2009
Elisabethville 2009
Benoit club (Cercle Benoît).

Elisabethville 2009
Elisabethville 2009
Marie-José institute.

Elisabethville 2009
Elisabethville 2009
UMHK. Union Minière du Haut Katanga. Director’s office.

Elisabethville 2009
Elisabethville 2009
Marie-José institute.

Elisabethville 2009
Elisabethville 2009
UMHK. Union Minière du Haut Katanga.

Elisabethville 2009
Elisabethville 2009
UMHK. Union Minière du Haut Katanga.

Kolwezi 2009
Kolwezi 2009
UMHK. Union Minière du Haut Katanga. UZK.

Elisabethville 2009
Elisabethville 2009
UMHK. Union Minière du Haut Katanga.

Kolwezi 2009
Kolwezi 2009
UMHK. Union Minière du Haut Katanga. UZK.

Kolwezi 2009
Kolwezi 2009
UMHK. Union Minière du Haut Katanga.

Elisabethville 2009
Elisabethville 2009
UMHK. Union Minière du Haut Katanga. LATRECA.

Elisabethville 2009
Elisabethville 2009
UMHK. Union Minière du Haut Katanga. LATRECA.

Jadotville 2008
Jadotville 2008
UMHK. Union Minière du Haut Katanga. Shituru.

Jadotville 2008
Jadotville 2008
UMHK. Union Minière du Haut Katanga. Shituru.

Jadotville 2008
Jadotville 2008
UMHK. Union Minière du Haut Katanga. Shituru.

Jadotville 2008
Jadotville 2008
UMHK. Union Minière du Haut Katanga. ACP1 workshops.

Jadotville 2008
Jadotville 2008
UMHK. Union Minière du Haut Katanga. Shituru.

Jadotville 2008
Jadotville 2008
UMHK. Union Minière du Haut Katanga. Luilu.

Jadotville 2008
Jadotville 2008
UMHK. Union Minière du Haut Katanga. Shituru.

Elisabethville 2009
Elisabethville 2009
UMHK. Union Minière du Haut Katanga. Recreational centre.